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How can AFM be used for biological research?
Bacterial biofilms and spores are all around us! Learn about how AFM can let you see and learn from them.

What is a capacitance electronic disc (CED)?
The capacitance electronic disc (CED) is a nanoscale marvel. Learn about how this relic of consumer technology works.

Can AFM measure 3D data?
The short answer is: yes! AFM is the go-to technique for collecting 3D surface data at the nanoscale.

Can AFM Measure Surface Roughness?
We discuss why AFM is a powerful technique and often the tool of choice for surface roughness measurements.

AFM for E-beam Lithography
An SEM is used to pattern nanoscale features on resist using e-beam lithography. The nGauge AFM is used to measure them!

What is AFM? Featuring the nGauge AFM on Breaking Taps
The popular YouTube material science channel Breaking Taps builds a “macro AFM” and does live scanning using the nGauge AFM!